General terms and conditions for booking and cancellation.

  1. General terms and conditions
    1.1 These general terms and conditions apply between Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS and others who enter into agreements with Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS in connection with the confirmation (the guest).
    1.2 Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS is responsible for all transactions that go through
    1.3 Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS is responsible for ensuring that our subcontractors are paid for what the guest has ordered through us. Our subcontractors are responsible for each part of their program; complete insurance, permits, equipment, staffing and other things, which are in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations for the supplier.
    1.4 The guest who orders on must be 20 years of age or older. This applies to all goods and/or services that can be ordered on the applicable website. At least one person must be 20 years of age or older to stay overnight.
    1.5 Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS disclaims any responsibility for any mistakes made by the guest if they have not followed our terms and conditions. The terms and conditions protect you as a guest and Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS as distributor.

  2. Ordering
    2.1 A booking is binding as soon as a booking number has been assigned to the guest and payment has been completed. It is the guest's responsibility to check that the arrival and departure dates, as well as everything else that is essential for the booking, are correct.
    2.2. Agreed prices are binding on the parties. Flåmsbrygga Hotels may adjust prices due to increases in taxes and fees, or other circumstances beyond the hotel's control.

  3. Payment
    3.1 The guest must pay 100% when booking package stays, events and activities via The guest takes the receipt with them upon arrival. 3D Secure is activated for the website.
    3.2 Our partner Teller AS is responsible for ensuring that credit card numbers and codes are handled securely in accordance with the requirements defined in the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
    3.3. Invoicing must be agreed in advance. The minimum amount for invoicing is NOK 5,000.

  4. Insurance
    4.1 We recommend that all our customers arrange for good insurance policies before traveling, in case of illness, loss or damage to luggage, accident, liability, and the like.

  5. Terms and conditions for all products ordered at Flåmsbrygga
    5.1 Bookings on our website:, of rooms, activities and packages are confirmed with a booking number in an e-mail, after payment has been made with a valid card.
    5.2 Cancellation of hotel rooms and packages at
    Cancellation deadline is 48 hours before arrival. Cancellations after this will be charged 100%. A valid credit card is required to complete the booking and any refund will be made to the credit card used when booking.
    5.3 Change of order.
    Room reservations, arrival and/or departure dates, activities and packages can be changed by canceling and rebooking. Alternatively, please contact us by phone +47 57632050, or by email to Changes may in some cases incur a fee.
    5.4 Group booking terms.
    There are separate terms and conditions and cancellation rules for group bookings of stays, activities and events. Cancellations must be made in writing by e-mail to
    5.5 Change of accommodation unit.
    5.5.1 In light of events outside the scope of Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS's control, has on Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS reserves the right to move the guest to an equivalent accommodation unit. Where possible, the guest shall be informed in advance of such changes. Such changes do not entitle the guest to waive payment for the stay.
    5.6 Complaints about the accommodation.
    5.6.1 If the guest has a complaint regarding their accommodation unit upon arrival or during their stay, please contact the reception as soon as possible at Flåmsbrygga Hotel, so that it is possible to correct the error.
    5.6.2 Errors that are reported upon departure or later will not be compensated financially.
    5.7. Liability for damage.
    The guest or the person who acts as guarantor for the booking is responsible for damage to premises, equipment and facilities as a result of negligent or irresponsible behavior by the guests.

  6. Cancellation protection
    When booking packages, the guest can, in accordance with the Package Travel Act, sign a cancellation insurance/protection with an insurance company, and thus have the right to cancel free of charge. With cancellation insurance/protection, you can cancel due to sudden and serious illness, accidental injury or death in your own household or in your immediate family (spouse, cohabitant, child, parent, in-law or sibling) that prevents, or makes it irresponsible to complete the trip. The right to cancel also applies if the obstacle affects another person in the travel party, and it is therefore unreasonable to demand that you complete the package trip without the person in question being present. The situation must be documented no later than one month after the situation arose, by a medical certificate on a form approved by the Norwegian Medical Association and the Norwegian Travel Industry Association. The price for cancellation insurance/protection is not refunded. If the booking and the price are based on two or more people sharing the same room, the cancellation protection will cover any additional costs that would otherwise arise as a result of the guest being unable to complete the trip. The cancellation protection also covers events that are of a sudden and serious nature, and that the customer was neither aware of nor should have been aware of when the agreement was entered into, and it is not reasonable to require the customer to complete the trip. Such circumstances may, for example, be major damage to property. The circumstances must be documented by a police report or certificate from an insurance company.

  7. Our subcontractors
    As the seller Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS is responsible to the guest for what he is entitled to in relation to the agreement. Responsibility for the services to be provided by others than Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS, the suppliers themselves are responsible for. We are responsible for our subcontractors being paid for what the guests have ordered through us. Our subcontractors are responsible for each part of their programme, with full insurance, licences, equipment, staffing and other things, which are in line with current laws and regulations.

  8. Force Majeure
    Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS and our subcontractors are not responsible for unsatisfactory weather conditions, closed facilities or other circumstances beyond the company's control. We reserve the right to make any errors in information about services and technical problems that may arise. The parties may withdraw from the agreement if the goods purchased cannot be used due to acts of war, natural disasters, prolonged interruptions of water or electricity supplies, and similar events that are beyond the control of either party. Flåmsbrygga Hotell AS or the guest could foresee or influence.